Use the link below to contact me, if there is a problem.
Please include your name in the email.
Problems--Email Me John Winkopp (321) 345-3855 in Florida
Download your MYPAS-Pilot Activity Statement from
Pass through the home page to Company, Flight Operation.
On the right-hand menu, select "MyPAS - Pilot Activity Statement"
Select each month for the year (include December 2022 as well. Then click the "Export" button at the top of the page.
It will automatically create the compressed folder or ZIP file full of the CSV files:
Save the Compressed file or ZIP file on your computer, remember where it is and its name.
On the Mac, you will see all the files in the "Compressed" folder. You will need to compress all the files again before uploading.
If you do not know how to do that, use your Surface tablet instead.
On a Windows computer, you will only see the "Zip" file in the selection window.
Then go back to Online Per Diem Input Form
Upload the saved file and submit using the input page. The saved file is probably in your "Download" folder and named "(emp#)-Delta-Pilot_Activity_Statement" and look like a compressed folder on the screen.
Common Problems
Did not receive the email
I can not find my ZIP file after downloading it.
You are not alone. If it is not in "Downloads" directory, it might be on your "Desktop" or in your "Documents" folder.
Special thank you to Ian Hanlyn, Brad Jansky and Sara Shelton for their help.